December 9, 2018
If you’re a skier and you’ve ever had the urge to dress up like Santa, now’s your chance to join the crowd at Whiteface Mountain on Sunday, December 9th, when Santa skis all day for FREE! Those dressed as Mrs. Claus get the nod, as well. Participate in a group photo at the top of the Bear Chair (and Bear Trail) at 10:00 am for this year’s group photo then spend the day enjoying a mountain that can boast the greatest vertical drop of any resort east of the Rocky Mountains. Pick up your lift ticket at the Whiteface Ticket window.
Don’t own a Santa suit? Bring a new/gently used winter coat or a new toy (valued over $10) and receive 50% off your lift ticket or Cloudsplitter Gondola Ride for the day. Your coat or toy will be a gift to someone in need during the holidays, so please consider this as you’re choosing what to bring. All donations will be collected by volunteers from the Boy Scouts of America and the Saranac Lake Key Club.
View more Whiteface events at
Whiteface Mountain
5021 NYS Route 86
Wilmington, NY 12977
Phone: (518) 946-2223