This list of the region’s farmers’ markets is brought to you by AdirondackHarvest, a community organization formed out of concern for the loss and abandonment of farmland in the Adirondacks. Members realized that to keep local food available and to preserve the scenic vistas that farmland provides, farming needs to be profitable. Founding members also had a strong commitment to sustainable farms and wanted to insure that farm-fresh food is available. Visit their website to access updated information and to find more markets.
Lake Placid Farmers’ Market
Jewtraw Park, Station Street, Lake Placid.
Wednesdays June-October, 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Manager: Dan Rivera Contact: (518) 217-2495
Accepts: SNAP benefits, FMNP coupons
Saranac Lake Village Farmers’ Market
Franklin County. Riverside Park, Saranac Lake
Saturdays June-October, 9:00 am to 2:00 pm
Manager: Ken Gadway Contact: (518) 217-2495
Accepts: SNAP benefits, FMNP coupons
Saranac Lake Fall Farmers’ Market
100 Main Street, Saranac Lake
Saturdays October-December, 10:00 am to 2:00 pm
Manager: Dan Rivera Contact: (518) 217-2495
Accepts: SNAP benefits, FMNP coupons
Keene Valley Farmers’ Market
Marcy Airfield between Keene and Keene Valley on Route 73, Keene Valley.
Sundays June-October, 9:30 am to 2:00 pm
Manager: Dick Crawford Contact: (518) 561-7167
Accepts: FMNP coupons
Tupper Lake Farmers’ Market Thursdays from 10-2pm May to mid- September @ The Wild Center
Elizabethtown Farmer’s Market
Behind the Adirondack History Center Museum, Elizabethtown.
Fridays June-October, 9:00 am to 1:00 pm
Manager: Gina Agoney Contact: (518) 578-5183
Accepts: FMNP coupons
Near Walmart entrance 1114 Wicker St., Ticonderoga
Saturdays July-September, 10:00 am to 1:00 pm
Manager: June Curtis Contact: (518) 585-6619
Accepts: FMNP coupons
Tupper Lake Farmers’ Market
320 Park Street, Tupper Lake
Fridays June-October, 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Manager: Contact:
Accepts: FMNP coupons
Schroon Lake: 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. Thursdays, town of Schroon parking lot
Long Lake Farmers’ Market
Corner of Rtes. 28 & 30 and South Hill Road across from post office, Long Lake.
Thursdays June-August, 10:00 am to 2:00 pm
Manager: Ruth Howe Contact: 518-624-2162
Willsboro Farmers’ Market
South of Champlain National Bank on Rte.22, Willsboro.
Thursdays June-September, 9:00 am to 1:00 pm
Manager: Linda Therrien Contact: (518) 963-4383
Accepts: FMNP coupons
Lewis Farmers’ Market
423 Stowersville Road , Lewis.
Saturdays June-August, 10:00 am to 1:00 pm
Manager: Julie Ives Contact: (518) 637-5395